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Feral Green Launch!

By admin | August 29, 2007

There comes a time in every young man’s life when he must ask himself, is the juice worth the squeeze? For four of us, that time is now.

Welcome to Feral Green - a sustainable lifestyle-inspired, overland surf expedition from California to the Southern tip of South America. Over the past year, four of us close friends (Sean Robbins, Eric Paine, Bill Boyd and Kevin Broderick) have been discussing this journey of epic proportions - one that will incorporate surf, exploration, volunteer work, culture, and the promotion of Green living. The time has finally arrived; the trip launches from Newport Beach on August 31st.

Feral Green Sponsors

Who are we? The four of us are all intelligent, hard working young men. We are all university graduates and have been successful athletes, employees, friends, and maniacs. We all have big plans for the future - starting companies, getting married, having children, and so on. However, we share a common thread in the great sweater of life. That thread is the passion for adventure travel and a reverence for nature, and it sews us into a cohesive group that desires to travel to explore the depths of the world and gain an open-minded understanding of life. What distinguishes us from the average man that reads about taking a trip like this is that we possess the tenacity to bring this dream to fruition. We’re all leaving our jobs and jumping head first into something much more profound than white picket fences and Super Bowl parties.

This trip is not just about four young men who need to reconnect with nature via a surf voyage. It’s about giving back to the communities we’re traveling through and educating the world at large about the benefits of sustainability. We plan to educate people we meet on pragmatic, environmentally friendly concepts from cars that run on alternative fuel to environmentally friendly surfboard construction. As you’ll see from the bios of each member on the website the four of us share a common goal of sustaining the world we live in and we’re all taking measures toward this end.

While most would fly down South and backpack in the mountains or on the coast, we plan to stray from the norm. We have purchased a F350 super duty diesel that has been converted to run on vegetable oil by Love Craft Biofuels in Los Angeles. Fabrication of the other vehicle components are underway. Once complete, the rig, (AKA “Green Machine”), will be our sustainable, roaming domicile for the duration of the trip. Equipped with a cabover truck camper and an incredible off-road trailer from Adventure Trailers we’ll be exploring the coasts and highlands of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Venezuela. The Green Machine will be an offroad beast, capable of traversing nearly any encountered terrain.

Through our partnerships with select non-profit organizations and by planning to work with local organic farming cooperatives we have developed a plan to integrate volunteer work throughout the 40,000 mile voyage. For instance, as Environmental Ambassadors for Green Surf, Feral Green will be distributing the Spanish version of “All The Way to the Ocean” to children throughout Latin America. Written by Joel Harper, brother of famed musician Ben Harper, with a foreword by big wave surfer Laird Hamilton, this children’s picture book was created to educate children on ocean preservation and the prevention of pollution.

Other organizations we are working with include Carbonfund.org, Paso Pacifico, Techo Para Mi Pais, and Patagonia Land Trust. You can learn more about these organizations through the Volunteer section of our website.

The surf plan is to charge it hard anytime there is swell present. The team will be taking a quiver of boards shaped by Ned MacMahon of Homeblown using Biofoam blanks. The blanks were created with a soy-based formula in order to reduce harmful environmental emissions that are typical of foam blank manufacturing. We’ll be exploring breaks in almost every country; with emphasis on mainland Mexico, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, and Brazil.

Our media sponsor is Wet Sand (www.wetsand.com), the world’s leading swell forecasting and research portal, and they will be tracking our trip via Google Earth using live GPS coordinates transmitted from the Green Machine. Feral Green will be doing reconnaissance on surf breaks between California and Argentina and providing objective data and photos for integration in Wet Sand’s soon to be released Google Earth swell model.

Fortunately for those eager to live vicariously through Feral Green, the saga will be portrayed through continual updates on the Feral Green website. The site will include sections for journal entries, photos, videos (watch for things getting weird), route tracking, trip statistics, bios, mission statement, frequently asked questions, and information on the Green Machine, equipment, sponsors, and NPO’s. There will also be a Blogfor friends of Feral Green to chime in on our trials and tribulations. We’ll be accepting visitors as honorary weeklong guests to taste Feral Green life.

This is Feral Green.

Gratitude to our sponsors: Wet Sand, Adventure Trailer, Oakley, Biofoam, Love Craft Biofuels, Super Winch, Donahoe Racing, Bilstein, Sierra Dawn, Steel Core, and Slime.

Topics: Mexico |

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